If you just start you way in musical life, our teachers will help you to learn a musical instrument and give you general music education.
Bands can make a video spot with the help of our video directors and appear in our database for the following booking concerts procedure.
Concert stages, organizers, commercial companies and everyone who needs music and musicians can also find what they need on our web page, which is coming very soon.
Bands can make a video spot with the help of our video directors and appear in our database for the following booking concerts procedure.
Concert stages, organizers, commercial companies and everyone who needs music and musicians can also find what they need on our web page, which is coming very soon.
Comarana Production is the organization which provides different services for musicians, concert stages, organizers of some events, commercial companies and so on. Under Comarana Production we produce music with we consider to have a great feature, which creates a special "musical taste" of the organization.
Our sound engineers arrange, record and produce music which is under Comarana Production.
Our graphic designers provide services of creating logos, CD art covers, booklets and other.
Drums - Filip Kolovrat
Bass - Marko Josipovic
Guitar - Alen Senkovski
Special guest on guitar - Emir Hot
Trombone - Miron Hauser
Vocals - Anastasia Tikhonovich
Vocals - Jasmin Lazic
COMARANA & N.O.T.E. featuring EMIR HOT & MIRON HAUSER - Dream To Live
Our sound engineers arrange, record and produce music which is under Comarana Production.
Our graphic designers provide services of creating logos, CD art covers, booklets and other.
Drums - Filip Kolovrat
Bass - Marko Josipovic
Guitar - Alen Senkovski
Special guest on guitar - Emir Hot
Trombone - Miron Hauser
Vocals - Anastasia Tikhonovich
Vocals - Jasmin Lazic
COMARANA & N.O.T.E. featuring EMIR HOT & MIRON HAUSER - Dream To Live
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