Mika Tyyskä: Back To The Past - Night Overdrive - the best gets better! Classy composition, tone, a real delight

Another video from the new "Night Overdrive" album. Sellfy release come with 4 exclusive bonus tracks: https://sellfy.com/p/fDDQ/ you can find the standard edition from Spotify: spotify:album:7Ai3UkcTUHxLrgrULxp497 and iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/ca/artist/mika-tyysk%C3%A4/1270321896 Digital release only!
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The new album was created with incredible speed and flow. it took me usually 1-3 hours to compose and record one tune. I simply sat down with my iPad/Korg gadget, 4-track tape recorder, guitar, amp and pedalboard) and quickly created one tune as a morning session. I did such sessions 3 or 4 times a week. It was incredibly just to make music come out all at once. Start from having nothing and ending up with a finished recording. I filled 4 cassettes worth of material (about 80 minutes) this summer. I started in the last week of may and ended in the middle of august. And I took a nearly 4 week summer break of everything in june. I'm amazed how all the music came together
Mika Tyyskä - Back To The Past (Night Overdrive)
Easy way of composing and recording. How to make music with Mika Tyyskä. Full song workshop
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