George Lynch,dUg Pinnick,Ray Luzier: KXM more details from the exciting new band

KXM featuring: Ray Luzier (Korn),George Lynch and dUg Pinnick (Kings X), behind the scenes studio footage (PART 3) featuring the song "Stars" from their forthcoming debut release. Pre-order info will be announced very soon so add their official page at: or sign up on the mailing list at Watch PART 1 here on our YouTube channel or watch PART 2 on our Facebook page at

KXM: Behind the scenes PART 3 featuring Ray Luzier (Korn), dUg Pinnick (Kings X) and George Lynch

KXM George Lynch, Doug Pinnick (Kings X) Ray Luzier (Korn) OFFICIAL TRAILER

Video from 2013, maybe the forerunner to the KXM project?

Dug Pinnick, Billy Sheehan, George Lynch, and Ray Luzier play Jailbreak, Manic Depression
