The track 'Quod Erat Demonstrandum' by Peter Fernandes. The track features Richard Hallebeek (guit solo), Brett Garsed (guit melody), Derek Sherinian (synth solo) Jimmy Johnson (bass) and Virgil Donati (drums). Composition/Programming/keys by Peter Fernandes. This track will be out june 2014 on Peter's upcoming cd 'Q.E.D.' The cd will be available from Peter Fernandes (http://www.pfernandes.org), iTunes and www.richardhallebeek.com
Richard Hallebeek/Virgil Donati/Derek Sherinian/Jimmy Johnson/Brett Garsed - 'Q.E.D.'
Dweezil invited me to join him onstage for Zappa Plays Zappa in De Melkweg, Amsterdam, nov. 9th, 2013. The place was packed ..we played 'Zomby Woof' and had a fun jam together. Afterwards, Dweezil was kind enough to send me a great quality audio recording from the mixing board. I mixed that audio with some of the video material that was provided by people who attended the concert...so now you too, can get a glimpse of what went down that evening ;-)
I had a completely awesome time playing with such a tight group of musicians and jamming with Dweezil!
Thanks for the videos:
* Marinus van den Berg (close ups)
* © 2013 P. Berkholst Video (balcony angle)
* Jan Kramer (audience shots)
Thanks to Dweezil for providing me with the front of house audio.
ZPZ - Richard Hallebeek jams with Dweezil Zappa on 'Zomby Woof' (w/audio from the mixing board)
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