the annual JazzGalaNight with the SWR Big Band at the Aalener Jazzfest.
Funky tune written by highly talented guitar-youngster (15years!) Andreas Varady and arr. by Roman Wasserfuhr
Featured soloist are Andreas Varady,g & Axel Kühn, ts.
Performed Aalener Jazzfest 2012.
SWR Big Band cond. by Klaus Wagenleiter
Martijn de Laat
Felice Civitareale
Nemanja Jovanovic
Karl Farrent
Rudi Reindl
Jürgen Neudert
Hans-Jörg Fink
Ian Cumming
Georg Maus
Klaus Graf,as
Matthias Erlewein, as
Axel Kühn, ts
Andi Maile, ts
Pierre Paquette, bs
Guido Jöris, dr
Decebal Badila, b
Klaus-Peter Schöpfer, g
Klaus Wageneleiter, p
Roland Peil, perc.
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SWR Big Band - feat. Andreas Varady - A day in New York, live
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