Looking forward to the new Arjen Lucassen... not only does it feature some greater singers but great guitar players too. As well as Michael Romeo from Symphony X, there is the one and only Lori Linstruth!
Check out the details for the up coming release:
"Beneath the Waves" CGI movie preview Jan 1, 2008
On January 1, 2008 at 00:01 a.m. CET we'll be premiering "Beneath the Waves," a stunning CGI film produced by Simon van Vegten, made to accompany the song of the same name from the upcoming Ayreon 2-CD album "01011001." The "Beneath the Waves" film with 5.1 surround mix will be included as one of many bonus DVD features on "01011001."
Visit http://www.arjenlucassen.com/premiere.htm on January 1st to view the movie and help us ring in the New Year!
01011001 album artwork previews online Each day until January 1, 2008 we'll be unveiling selected album artwork from 01011001. The first previews are up now: http://www.arjenlucassen.com/artwork/artwork_previews.htm.
Congratulations are in order as Lori takes up her new job... one hopes there's still some time for guitar... Loris explains:
I’ve quit my job and taken a new one — as personal manager for Arjen Lucassen.
The idea of being any kind of “manager” is massively daunting, to say the least, and because I rate Arjen so highly as a person I’ll be under a lot of self-imposed pressure not to screw up! But luckily I thrive on learning new things, so I’m looking forward to the challenge.
Arjen says:
We’ve looked for a replacement and are happy to announce that Lori Linstruth will be taking over my tasks. She recently moved from Sweden to the Netherlands and, after a short transitional period, is now ready to take on the job! Please welcome Lori as the new personal manager, webmaster, messageboard administrator, and shopkeeper for Arjen!”
Arjen releases 01011001, shortly and Lori takes the over Jan 1, 2008.
Lori and Arjen worked together in Stream Of Passion.
Lori Linstruth delivers some warm up exercises, including tab on her very professional blog
Another excellent blog post from Lori Linstruth. She describes how a new baby has been added to the fold...

Lori complained about the lack of choice of guitars that are orientated to female requirements. As well that she did, because Luna guitars contacted Lori to provide her with a the Andromeda "floyd flame grape" model.
The new baby

Also Lori as Great Kat...not!

Lori Linstruth has just posted to let you know that Lori Linstruth's guitar demo is available.

There are still available now, but once they’re gone there won’t be more until early November.
A slew of interesting blog posts from Loru Linstruth. I particulary found this post most interesting. Reader questions: Crafting melodic guitar solos 101
Lori says:
Finally, if you just can’t make the chords work for you (or aren’t allowed to change them), I’d decline to play on the song. Life is too short to play over shitty chords.
Lori Linstruth posted a very interesting article about increasing speed in playing after working on her technique recently:
Recently I increased my playing speed from 78 bpm to 170 bpm on a certain exercise. In two days. That’s an increase of 118%. I never imagined I’d be able to achieve something like that, but it was surprisingly easy — so easy that I am kicking myself in my metal butt for wasting so many years practicing inefficiently.
read the full article
Also Lori's shop increases in the number of items avaialble, including this very nice looking poster

In response to the overwhelming demand , Lori is delighted to unveil the new P.L.A.G. store. You’ll find lots of Play like a Girl shirts (for girls only so far, sorry guys!), posters/dartboards of Lori, and other assorted P.L.A.G. swag. There’s a lot there already, but If you want me to design you something special, just let me know. I’ll be adding new designs frequently too, so do check back from time to time.

Check out: http://www.cafepress.com/lorinator/
Lori Linstruth is back from her fire lighting "I hate jazz" throw away line in the Petrucci forum (50 / 50 split on love Lori or hate Lori). I am with the "it's up to you what you like!" brigade by the way...if your asking...Any on to the first interview which is from baskanij and has got to be worth a read! Lori Says:
“Always carry toilet paper with you when you’re out on tour or what ever. I mean, you don’t really want to find out when you’re down and out and have already committed yourself so to speak, that there ain’t any paper around. I’ve learned it the hard way and have now gotten into the habit of checking the paper first.”
Sage words indeed from a seasoned tour player!
Then Lori get the shredacademy.com treatment in their interview. Lori says:
It’s a two-edged sword: decent female players automatically garner attention because there are so few of them, yet at the same time they are subjected to excruciatingly harsh evaluation because of their very femaleness...Guys do not have to put up with that kind of crap.
Finally, it also looks like I'm the only one that hates sweetcorn in tuna sandwiches!
OK last comment on this one...I asked Lori "Do you hate all jazz? I’m sure there must be some stuff you like? What about fusion playing like Allan Holdsworth?"
Lori said "I suppose “hate” is a pretty strong word, and I’m sure there might be some sub-genres of jazz and fusion that I might like. But given that I don’t have enough time to listen as much as I’d like to the music that I LOVE, I’m not exactly motivated to find out. It’s all about carrying capacity! Life’s too short to listen to stuff that doesn’t give me pleasant feelings. Jazz just gives me bad feelings. But again, that’s just me!"
...No reply yet on the sweetcorn in tuna sandwiches debate!
Sweep arpeggio with legato and slides: Fmaj7 (aka Lori hates Jazz)
One of the best posts, just got better! The dam broke under a tidal wave of posts for either love or hate jazz comments. I have to agree with Lori on this one...It's up to you not anyone else to tell what you should like.
The debate also spilled over into the Petrucci forum...If it's any help, with this debate, I hate sweet corn in tuna sandwiches...
Lori returns for another Easter exercise and to tell you how she hates jazz...
Sweep arpeggio for guitar- Fmaj7
Whilst on my travels I found this great interview with Lori Linstruth from the summer of 2005 on the metal maidens web site, covering Warbride. No news on plans post Stream Of Passion.
Stream Of Passion RIP....
Lori Linstruth and Arjen Lucassen leave SOP to leave Johan van Stratum, Davy Mickers and Marcela Bovio to soldier on....Lori tells her story on her blog Every ending is a new beginning…
Loris says:
Unfortunately, one of the most frustrating symptoms is a perpetual state of crushing fatigue that is not relieved by sleep. Unless I’d experienced it myself, I wouldn’t have believed that it were possible to be so tired.
Lori is back with another lesson...as ever these videos are just too short...hell..but as it's Lori...we'll forgive...plus with the title of "Eminor sweeping arpeggio (like the world needs another one of these, but WTF…)" it's got to be good to go!...ooh and as Loris says:
"And what the heck, it will give all the knee-jerk contrarians and lowest-common-denominator, auto-fellating flamethrowers on guitar forums something new to bash me for…"...You just to love it...
Sweeping arpeggio for guitar - Eminor
As ever, Lori adds who own prespective and well observed posts on the state of guitar design for girls who want to rock!:
Cool guitars for girls - more like this, please
Guitars for girls and why they suck (so far)
Read an excellent blog post from Lori on the facist UK immigration nonsense and as reported by the Sheffield times
"Perhaps if that blond battleship hadn’t been on duty, things would have turned out differently and I’d be backstage right now drinking a glass of wine after a great show in Sheffield, and looking forward to our final show in London!"
Bad news for UK fans of the band Stream of Passion...it just one of those things...lets hope they can get back some time soon...the words posted from Lori's blog
Stream of Passion suffered a terrible blow on Friday afternoon when the band arrived at Calais, France to board the Ferry to England. The Mexican band members were instantly separated from the group, and each other, and were interrogated by British and French Police for four grueling hours. All because the British immigration service was convinced they were intending to take up illegal residence in England.
The immigration service asked Naomi, the band's tour manager, to provide them with evidence to the contrary, and listed the types of documents required. And though Naomi jumped through every one of their newly found hoops, and repeatedly produced whatever documentation they demanded as proof, they could not be persuaded. Even with the help from the kind promotors of the concerts in England, various Embassy officials, and immigrant agents in Britain (who told the tour manager there shouldn't have been any problem for them to enter the UK in the first place) there was no changing their minds. This eventually led to the 'deportation' of Marcela, Alejandro and Diana without any possibility for them to get to England to perform the shows.
It appears the Mexicans have fallen unfortunate victims of, as one British Immigration agent trying to help said: "the new British political flavor of the year: 'we hate all immigrants'".
Stream of Passion returned home that same day, extremely disappointed and disillusioned with the proceedings. They wish to apologize to all the British fans and to those fans who travelled from various countries all over the world, for being unable to make it to these last two shows. They deeply regret not being able to perform for you this last time, as they were also so much looking forward to meeting you all again.
The concerts appear to be going ahead as planned with new bands performing; please see the Classic Rock Society website for more information.
stream on...
Lori Linstruth is on tour at the moment, but she still has time to get out some blog items on her most excellent "Play Like a Girl" blog: http://lorinator.feminoise.com/.

This week Lori provides some tour update information and her some background on her passion for Chocolate...in these two posts:
Tour report - Biebob (Turnhout, BE)
Quick tour update
Stream Of Passion are getting ready for their tour
Everyone practices their parts at home, so when we get together it’s really just a matter of getting used to playing at concert volume (and, if you’re shy like me, getting used to playing in front of people).
Find out more for Lori's quality blog
Hurrah!!...Lori Linstruth...is on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/lorilinstruth
...a good start to 2007 already. Lori has what a lot of new young fast players miss...feeling! Don't forget to visit Lori's own blog insightful http://lorinator.feminoise.com/
Passion Solo (G#maj9 sweep)
A maj 9 Sweep arpeggio with slides
Lori Linstruth notes that there is another date added to Stream of Passion's upcoming tour dates! The band will perform in Lucky and Co, in Rijssen (NL) on January 25. The show scheduled for Rotherham (UK) has been changed; instead the band will perform in The Boardwalk, in Sheffield on February 3, this concert is organized by the Classic Rock Society. The current schedule is as follows:
18 Jan The Rock / Copenhagen (DK)
19 Jan Nosturi / Helsinki (FI)
21 Jan Biebob / Turnhout (BE)
25 Jan Lucky and Co / Rijssen (NL)
26 Jan Bibelot / Dordrecht (NL)
3 Feb The Boardwalk / Sheffield (UK)
For ticket information visit the Tour section of our website www.streamofpassion.com
Lori Linstruth and Stream of Passion can confirm a short European tour. This will be the last opportunity to see the band live in action in Europe. They will play an adjusted set-list.
These are the confirmed tour dates:
18 Jan 2007: The Rock / Kopenhagen (DK)
21 Jan 2007: Biebob / Turnhout (BE)
26 Jan 2007: Bibelot / Dordrecht (NL)
3 Feb 2007: Rotherham (venue TBA) (UK)
A great new guitar magazine web site for French speakers ( and google translators)
http://www.eguitaremag.com/. You can download a zip PDF of of the magazine, associated mp3 and videos. This months cover feature is the talented Lori Linstruth...now I just have to work our what she was saying...

Stream Of Passion - computer eyes live
Lori Linstruth live solo with Stream of Passion
If your a fan of Lori Linstruth and Stream of Passion there's plenty of chance to catch up with them with live and promo videos on YouTube
A big thanks to Lori for her comment. Note also that you can become a friend of Lori's by visiting her new Myspace web site: http://myspace.com/lorilinstruth. Lori is a great player and worth checking out, particularly if you are into players like Uli Jon Roth.
Lori Linstruth, has returned from the summer tour with Stream Of Passion. You can find out more about the tour on Lori Linstruth's blog: http://lorinator.blogspot.com/.
Now Lori is back she is working hard on her side project Warbride. Check out the great music samples from Warbride.

Also a big thumbs up for the new clean looking web site. For fans of the old web site design:

I found this great video clip(wmv) featuring snippets of Lori's playing from the band Stream of Passion. Their new release:

"Embrace the Storm" is an excellent mix of Goth and progressive from inside out music records.
Contrary to popular thought, Lori was born in the USA and not Sweden. However, she has lived in Sweden for several years and is now dual nationality. She has been playing guitar for about 11 years total, but has returned to playing guitar after a ten year break.
Here early inspiration came from Michael Schenker, Gary Moore, Marty Friedman, Uli Roth, Brian May, Wolf Hoffmann, and Yngwie J Malmsteen. Lori also listens to Andrew Lloyd Webber, Mussorgsky, Holst, Bach, Vivaldi, and Vaughan Williams.
Lori has a great demo CD which you can order on line. This CD highlights here controlled playing style reminiscent of Uli Roth and Michael Schenker. Read this brief interview on get ready to rock. Check out a video of her playing(wmv) from Lori's web site.
You can check out more music on her web site or on the Stream of Passion web site.
Hi Laurie,
ReplyDeleteThe girl who runs my Myspace site sends me all the comments and messages, and a while back there was a nice one from you. I'd made a mental note to come by here and thank you for your nice comment; was browsing your archives and saw this article: Wow, what a surprise to see my site here! Glad you like the new design. It's only the beginning, mwhahahhaaa.
I've only got one issue about being included on your site -- I'M SOOOOOO NOT A SHREDDER!!!!!!!
But thanks a million anyway for your interest and support! :-)
Pinkie respect m/
Hey Mr. Monk-- ya gotta love that Lorinator! Great profile-- you got her attention too. Her vibrato gives me chills!