David Maxim Micic: two more awesome players announced for BILO 3.0

David Maxim Micic

You already know Jakub Żytecki is playing a guest solo on 'Bilo 3.0'. But who are the other two guys????
Can anyone recognize guitar legends from the picture?

Some of you guessed it right... I won't be able to release BILO 3.0 on November 17th. And at this point I'm not sure if solving the situation will move the release for a few more days or few more weeks. But I'll definitely keep you guys updated! Hope you lads understand, and if you have any questions about this, feel free to hit me up via ask.fmhttp://ask.fm/DavidMaximMicic

[Answer Jeff Loomis and Per Nilsson of course.. ]

David Maxim Micic | Bilo 3.0 | RELEASE DATE

Whilst we wait... we recall Bilo 1.0

David Maxim Micic - Bilo part II (feat Sasa Lokner)
