Elmo Karjalainen: Jimi Hendrix stylings

Elmo Karjalainen playing to a Jimi Hendrix style Backing Track.
To download this backing track for free, go to http://musicbackingtracks.net
For two free songs from Elmo, go to http://elmojk.net
Recorded using an Axe-FX Ultra.
Recorded at http://kcsoundfinland.com
Jimi Hendrix. Does one need to say anything else. He made rock guitar what it is today. Hope you all enjoy this little tribute! And if you do, please share it with your friends.
Sign up for the Elmo Karjalainen mailing list at elmojk.net to be sure to get the news when it happens. You'll get two free songs when you do.

Elmo Karjalainen: Unintelligent Designs
