Fernando Miyata: Truth In Shredding, in this Olympic, year strokes past 4 million video views

Gold medal goes to Fernando Miyata who tops the list of video views for Truth In Shredding TV, which has just passed a new milestone, with over 4 million video views.

I would like to thank all the viewers, but more specifically all the guitar players who added their notes, technique and musicality to make this a great channel for any guitar fan to watch.
6,622 subscribers
4,004,079 video views

550 uploaded videos http://www.youtube.com/user/lauriemonk/videos
735 video playlists http://www.youtube.com/user/lauriemonk/videos?view=1

Fernando Miyata: gold medal winner!

With 307,519 views, 1,010 likes, 45 dislikes

Fernando Miyata: guitar idol 2008
