Jason Sadites – TALES feat. Marco Minnemann and Ric Fierabracci available MAy 13, 2014 (pre-sale April 29, 2014)by jsadites
Jason's newest CD 'Tales' will officially be released on May 13, 2014. 'Tales' features the absolutely amazing playing of drummer Marco Minnemann and bassist Ric Fierabracci. On April 29, 2014 a pre-sale will commence on Bandcamp and through Abstract Logix.
Also on May 13, full and detailed guitar, bass and drum transcription packages of the 'TALES' will be available for purchase. The packages will include full backing tracks for players to jam along to. Stay tuned here for more details...
For anyone interested in guitar and amps you should most certainly set aside some time each week to check out Jeff and Mick's great show!
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