News: all out guitar get a forum

All out guitar have a forum

I particularly like this thread about is shred back

If your average shred album sells 20,000 copies max then no. What shred needs is (as mentioned in another post), is Metallica to make a huge album but quickly lose Hammett and rerecord all his 'solos' using Michael Romeo.

This would then impress Robbie Williams so much, that on his huge comeback album, he will employ Romeo to solo on the big single (a la Michael Jackson who also has another comeback using Romeo on his hit single 'Beat It Returns'). Take That then get jealous and use Romeo on their entire new album (obviously huge) - even the ballads! Romeo then goes on to play with Britney, Christina, Aerosmith, The Foos, The Chili Peppers, The Beatles (huge comeback) and Elvis (very huge comeback)!

Then my friends - shred will be back! ;)
