Paul Gilbert: guitarplayer interview bonus questions

Paul Gilbert answers the questions that didn't make it to the final guitar player magazine.

What advice would you give to a beginner who wants to shred?
To me, the positive part of “shred” is to pursue stunning technical mastery on the guitar. This is a big mountain to climb. And it’s not a good place to begin. Don’t start with Racer X or Dream Theater. You won’t master that in a day as a beginner. And I think it’s important to choose songs that you CAN master in a day. These daily successes are really important. Try “Rocky Raccoon” by the Beatles, or “The Ballad of John and Yoko”. Next go for some AC/DC or some old KISS songs. Slowly climb the mountain, and get strong musical footholds along the way. The shred will come, but in time.
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