Adam Moore: Brett Garsed lesson

Hi Mark, this is pretty much for your benefit only! Hello to anyone else who happens to have strayed here. Its a bit rough but here's that lovely Brett Garsed lick slowed down a bit. I hear it almost entirely as two beat long phrases stuck together. Each one could resolve on its own but they each get pulled off in some other direction instead until the last one over-runs by a three semiquavers.

I'm picking more of it that Garsed does (and not going as fast yet...yet!). You could try damping the nut with a hair band and not using you right hand at all. In the end he seems to be pick only two or three notes per bar, as per the score. The only note I've changed from the notation is that low E, which in the video appears to be an A at fifth fret, possibly it got transcribed wrong, not sure?

Why don't you post a response of a bit of it?...

Garsed Lick for Mark Thompson
