Roger Pedersen: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III - crazy popcorn guitar

Roger Pedersen, from Norway, posted a video for Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III, spotlighting his unique style and tones. I got a copy his his CD, and not only does Roger Pedersen play guitar well, but he sings well too.

Roger Pedersen:
This backing track was way to tempting not to dig into it. There are many fine guitar players in this contest, but I will give it a try :-). I am not a big fan of competitions in music- There is no such ting being the best, there is just passion for the instrument and making music, in my opinion.
I have just released a guitar album on West Audio/Universal called "Kernels in a popcorn machine" and achieved some great reviews from international Guitar Mags. I am proud of that, but that is another cup of tea, so to say. Again, it is nice to be in a guitar community with so many fine instrumentalists. Keep up the good work, Laurie. You are our (guitar) man :-). Kind regards from Norway.

Roger Pedersen- Shred this 3
