Marius Pop: leading vote for Guitar Idol final... as I type

marius pop
Marius Pop - Marbry
Toomas Vanem
Lonely Proton
Denis Warren
Denis Warren - A Whisper To My Soul
Ignacio Torres
Ignacio Torres - Horus
Daniele Liverani
Daniele Liverani - All Is Pure
Dhalif Ali
Dhalif - Darkest Dreams
Marc Playle
Marc Playle - Dysfunction
Domenico, Francesco GALLO
Natural Space - Domenico GALLO
Mario Ortiz
Tormenta de Sombras
Nico Schliemann
Dead Ends
matias baeza
Hedras Ramos
Hedras Ramos - Stellar Crash
David Wallimann
Luna's Dream
Franco Perla
Frank Pearl - The Neverendless Song
Jack Gardiner
Jack Gardiner - Rising Sun
Hugo Martin Hermosilla Courbis
Alex Hunter
Alex Hunter - "Traces of Sounds"
tomasz niedzialkowski
Quarters of the World by Tom Nied
Eugene Berger
Eugene Berger - Funkissimo
Ignazio Di Salvo
Ignazio Di Salvo (Guitar Idol 2010) shred fu
