Chris Brooks: Why You don't need to be rich or famous to make a difference with your music

It's perfectly natural, considering how much time we spend looking internally to become the musicians we all want to be, that our inward view would often give us expectations that all this work will do US some good in the end. You know what's done me some good lately? Realising that if I was supposed to look inward all the time, my eyes wouldn't be facing the opposite direction.

Ever since my last CD came out, I've been head down in order processing, iTunes trending reports, promotion, advertising, interviews. It's all been about me. "And why shouldn't it be?", asks the little red devil on my left shoulder. "You did all the work", he adds. In a puff of smoke, a little angel appears over my right shoulder and asks "Do you think you have this gift just to make your own life better?".  more
