News: Overdrive Guitar Contest 8 - Thailand Guitar Contest 2013

Overdrive Guitar Contest 8.

Thailand Guitar Contest 2013.

Compete for prize money worth 100,000 Baht

Find Your Guitar Festival. Will start up again with Overdrive Guitar Contest 8.

In the year 2556, the PMG and Singha Corporation together throughout.

To permit new guitarist. Old concepts and skills and to present their own music.

An opportunity to enter the professional level.

Rules of this year 2013.

1. Upload the form of self through play youtube VDO Clip and their details and contact number.

To play solo, backing track or to register as a back-up time (but will only guitarist in the band sent).

With their work. Less than 3 minutes to get through.

Two. Unlimited music style presentation, age, sex, education and race.

3. Began to send contributions from 1 April to 30 June 2556.

Many people have already prepared. Prepared and made more than 100.  The winner may be the one you have to win. And on occasion in the music profession.

Call for details.

PMG 02-2030423-5.
