Sikeo: Sikeo 1 - 6 track, 12 minute album... some day all all albums will be made this way?

Mini album done in 12 minutes... 6 tracks, 12 minute album... some day all all albums will be made this way?

Artist: Sikeo Album: Sikeo I Release Date: 2014
Genre(s): Neoclassical Metal, Dark Wave, World, Shred
Location: FL
Members: Sikeo
Pertinent Album Information: Independent
Label: Unsigned
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1 - Liluntu - [0:00]
2 - Stufas - [0:35]
3 - Taran - [2:48]
4 - Shiboni - [7:00]
5 - Yagiola - [9:13]
6 - Grace - [10:44]
