Derryl Gabel: How to memorize the notes on the guitar

GPS part 2 ( How to memorize the notes on the guitar )
Derryl Gabel here's part 2 of my GPS instructional. If you are serious about becoming a better musician and guitarist, memorizing the notes on the fretboard is a great place to start. This is an essential skill that will actually make learning the guitar easier. It doesn't matter what style you play. Knowing the notes instantly will make you exponentially better on your instrument. Let me show you how!
In part two of GPS we will be mapping out the notes on the E and A strings. I’ll show you a systematic method for practicing your note recognition and teach you some mnemonic devices. You’ll also lean about the cycle of diatonic fourths, perfect fourths, and the order of flats. I’ll show you how to use these sequences of notes as a tool to sharpen your skills.
To order the digital download, DVD, or Bluray please visit my website.
