Kevin Heiderich: Original (guest) solo for Torturized

Here's my first ever guest solo for the band Torturized. I've been trying to delevop "my" sound for quite a while now and this the first thing the public sees now. I like a simple setup, no effects or stuff like that. I'm trying to keep things fresh with just my guitar and the tremolo. Make the guitar sing with my own ways. This is quite a "mechanical" solo but with some of those techniques, like the slided tapped harmonics, you can get some awesome "singing" effects.

My biggest influences for soloing are Rick Graham and Tom "Fountainhead" Geldschläger right now. Tom, because I've been trying to emulate his fretless playing for some time now, and he's a weird guy, and Rick Graham for his dynamics and dynamic hi-gain playing. He uses a lot of gain, but it's still dynamic af. And that finger tone.

Kevin Heiderich: Original (guest) solo for Torturized
