Lee Wrathe: Tranquil Soul - Recommended chillax with relaxed guitar improvisations from the Tranquil forests of Nottingham

Album link https://leewrathe.bandcamp.com/album/tranquil-soul

1. Amazing Grace 03:04
2. When Words Fail Me 02:47
3. Angel 02:00
4. Rise Up 02:06
5. Corner Of Your Conscience 02:33
6. Drift Away 05:04
7. Beautiful Sunrise 01:15
8. In The End 04:43

Hi Folks! in order to express my deep gratitude for your kind support I have released an EP which is available for FREE download here https://leewrathe.bandcamp.com/album/... it is called "Tranquil Soul" and is a collection of all the recent ambient, solo guitar Music I have posted here and some additional unreleased parts too. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think in the comments, give the video a like and Subscribe (if you want to). Thank you to everyone who shares the videos, comments and for making it all seem worthwhile. Cheers Lee

New EP! Available for Free! | Album Update and Thanks
