Daniele Gottardo: Shreds with Mr. Smith at NAMM

🔥The Shredsational Mrs. Smith did a demo for @pierangelomezzabarba amps and the Melodic Shred Maestro, Daniele Gottardo , popped in and gave the audience a tapplicious firework show😱👍🎸🔥Share with a Shredder who will enjoy this as much as we did👍🎸
•••Follow Us on Instagram at @mastersofshred and on Facebook at @theofficialmastersofshred!
•••Mrs. Smith : Instagram @smithcatmrs
•••Daniele Gottardo : Instagram @danielegottardo

Daniele Gottardo Shreds with Mr. Smith at NAMM

Daniele Gottardo gives Mrs. Smith Tapping Lesson at NAMM
