Paul Gilbert: jenn goes the extra mile

Jenn worked overtime to convert this one for you... Article provided by the author (Dave Sixx) and presented with permission.

On a Thursday in November, from my veranda on the ocean in Santa Monica, I sit down with my laptop in front of me, and a Corona with lime seductively waiting for me. I look around. On a roomy portion of my wall, I have at least twenty guitars hung. Only one guitar manages to attract my eyes at this moment: this one, I have called ‘Sixxteria’, a Telecaster style which has a story to tell. The body has the autograph of a guitar player that again makes me think back with pleasure, every time. I can not understand exactly what things I appreciate most in this person… Perhaps it’s his guitar playing technique? Perhaps it’s his constant cheerfulness? I think it is his way of life, always so optimistic and immersed in the life-blood and the music! Well, the guitar can make me dream, and I can evoke images to share. I closed my eyes and thought back to a time in Bologna, Italy, a couple of weeks ago…
full post.
