Devin Townsend: bloodstock 2010

Devin Townsend has confirmed his only UK performance of 2010. The twisted metal genius will be bringing his impressive catalogue to a live setting at next year’s BLOODSTOCK OPEN AIR festival. The man himself checked in with the following message:

“Hey folks, Devin Townsend here. Coming at you after a multi year hiatus of playing live.

I am extremely proud to say that I have the honor of playing the 2010 Bloodstock festival in England this coming summer! It’s been a while since I’ve played any shows so I hope you’ll join me as I finally get the chance to bring this vision to the big stage.

I will be playing selections from Addicted, Deconstruction, Ziltoid, Physicist, Ki, Infinity, Ocean Machine and various other albums from the past 15 years. I’m extremely proud to have the opportunity to finally bring these albums to you, I have been planning this for many years. It will be an experience that I hope we will all remember for years to come.

There’s no time like the present, Lets kick some ass.
