A pleasant tapping piece from Ponco Satrio
Ponch - Intermezzo ( A Little Tapping Piece)
Ponco added the demo track to MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/ponco. I thought it had a kind of Tafolla feel to it... check it out and feed back to Ponco!
also available: Aint_No_Chicken
Ponco says:
Playing my own tune called Ain't No Chicken, kinda country flavour..sort of lol
Ponco Satrio Ain't No Chicken
Oklahoma based Ponco Satrio contacted me to let me know about a new track posted on MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/ponco
Also, you can now ride with The Gypsy Van on the Trip To Psychedelphia. Pre-Order the CD and you can download all 12 songs NOW!! Then, when the album ships,
the first 100 Pre-Orders will get signed and numbered Collectors Edition CD's.
Join in the caraVAN!!www.thegypsyvan.com/shop/

SAMPLE MP3 CLIPS = http://www.poncosatrio.com/TGV_CLIPS.mp3
Ponco Satrio with another free lesson. This time a sweep arpeggio + tapping using Dom7th chord harmony.
Pattern 1______________Pattern2________________
--------------------------------|------- ------------------------|
--------------------------------|------- ------------------------|
--------------------------------|------- ------------------------|
-------5-h-9-t-12-p-9-p-5-----|------5-h -9-t-11-p-9-p-5----|
----7---------------------------7--|---- 7-------------------------7--|
-5---------------------------------|---5 -----------------------------|
Ponch Free Guitar lesson - Dom 7th arpeggio+tapping
Ponch is a busy boy these days, with lessons and shows....so he is often seen playing his guitar before he pops off to the airport...just to kill some time for you... and this is the result.
Guitar Improvise
Ponco's list of video continues to grow on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Ponch. Ponco is also a featured guitar tutor on guitaris.com guitar portal
Some good examples:
The Art of Harmony + Melody Playing
Skippy O Jam
Extended 7th Chords Arpeggios
Diminished + Pentatonic Scales
Ponco Satrio is doing a Jazz Concert on Tuesday Mar 27, 2007 at 7:00 PM at UCO/School of Music @ Recital Hall, 100 North University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034, United States!
Tapping String Skipping
Sweep tapping
jeff beck - pump snippet
Shred Academy have more music lessons added, including this from Ponco Satrio
Visit Shredacdemy for the tab
Ponco Satrio now has his own web site domain: http://www.poncosatrio.com/
Remember Ponco like many of the other players truthinshredding players needs our support so visit his MySpace web site and say hello: http://www.myspace.com/ponco and some YouTube video.
bonjour - live
Emaj Etude.
funk improvise
Ponco Satrio was born in Jambi, Indonesia. His father played drums in a local band and got Ponco into listening to the Beatles, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. His brother introduced him to Judas Priest and Rush.
His inspiration to play guitar came from watching "Back to the Future" where Michael J Fox plays shred guitar!
Check out his web site for discography and his music and video
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