William Dotto: news update

William Dotto has been tagged, which means future information can be found on this url:
http://truthinshredding.blogspot.com/search/label/William%20Dotto. William is still on MySpace:
http://www.myspace.com/williamdotto. and Williams main web site: http://www.williamdotto.com/

Recent activity includes work with Alex Stornello and MMI plus recent college Attendees, Guthrie Govan and Frank Gambale. According to Williams news, Guthrie and William had a great jamming session... anyone have a copy of this on video?!

With Frank Gambale

With Guthrie Govan

As previously published I also recently compiled the Dottardo project clips, with Daniele Gottardo

Dottardo: Tap Alliance
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