Scott Henderson: nick andrew review for all out guitar


He also performed an exercise in which you harmonize one note using chords built from all 12 tones, which was a real eye opener.

Another piece of good information is that Scott figures out his tunes theoretically after they are written. That way he is not influenced by conventional harmony or technique, which enables him to write what sounds good to his own ears without being swayed as to whether it is theoretically correct or not. Once the tune is written then he will go back and work out what he has just done.

He also mentioned that writing is like a job and you need to work at it constantly. You can't sit around waiting for inspiration all the time you have sit down and write every day whether you want to or not. Indeed more often than not Scott explained that when he is not in the mood for writing he is more likely to come up with a Henderson gem. Which prompted another fantastic quote "If you're happy when you're writing, you're probably writing a piece of shit!"

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