News: youtube guitarists complete this thesis survey

Hi fellow user

Tristan here (my channel is utubemused) I am currently completing a study on informal music learning on and would really appreciate your input. My study will be somewhat reliant on your input to confirm my hypothesis, so the more detail your answers give, the better (if you have time). I have a a consent form/information form and questionnaire that you can fill out below. I really appreciate your assistance with my thesis and would be glad to share my findings when I complete my thesis, in order to assist me completing it on time It would be great if you could complete and send the questionnaire back as soon as possible..

Thanks Tristan Hancock

School of Music
6 Symonds St
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand
Telephone: + 64 9 3737599 ext. 82071
Facsimile: + 64 9 3737446

Interview Consent Form (Questionaire Particpants)

Title: Tubing Virtuosity ?: Informal Music Learning/Teaching on
Researcher: Tristan Hancock Supervisor: Dr. David Lines

The purpose of this consent form is to give you the information you will need to help you decide whether to be in this study. Please read this form carefully. You may ask questions about the research and find out the risks, benefits, your rights as a volunteer, or anything else about the research or this form that is not clear to you. Please contact my supervisor Dr. David Lines or myself (see contact information below) if you have questions. You may keep a copy of this form for your records.

The questionnaire forms part of the research for a thesis being completed for a Masters in Music Education. The aim of this study is to examine how informal music learning occurs on the website and additionally how it may be integrated with formal music education practices

Participants will be given a questionaire, in person or by email, that they will complete in their own time and return in person or by email.

All the information will be used only for research purposes, and held for up to 6 years. It will be stored in separate secured areas at the University, after which it will be shredded/destroyed. Following the interview, participants will have one week to withdraw any information discussed in the interview.

All participants names will be protected confidentially and their names will not be shown in any publication or report about the research.

I understand the aims of the research and have had opportunities to ask questions and have had them answered.
I am over 16 years of age or I am the parent/guardian of the participant
I understand the process of storing all the information, and I may withdraw any information traceable to me up to one week following the interview without giving a reason.

I agree to take part (or allow my child to take part) in this research

Name ( of participant and/or parent/ guardian):


Researcher: Tristan Hancock, Tel: (027) 0740300, Email:
Supervisor: Dr. David Lines, Tel: (09) 3737599 #84881, E-mail:
HOD Music: Prof. Robert Constable Tel: (09) 3737599 #82071, Email:
School of Music, National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries, University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland.
The Questionnaire


1) Have you ever had formal music lessons? ( for instance guitar lessons)?

2) Are you currently having formal lessons? How long have you been learning?

3)Have you ever had 'real world informal music learning?(friends etc show you something, or vice versa )What did you learn?

4) How regularly you visit ?

5) Do you ever post videos? If so what types of video?

6) Have you ever learnt a song of musical technique (for example chords or scales etc) from

7) What proportion of your time on is spent viewing lessons?

8) Do you read the discussions underneath the video ? Do they help your learning?

9) Do you post on the discussion? What kinds of comments do you usually make ?

10) Do you find these discussions helpful for music learning?

11) Do you share with others music/ lessons/ videos? if so why?

12) Do you find lessons and posts through other community sites i.e. Myspace, Bebo and Facebook?

13) Since using for lessons how would you assess your progress?

14) Do you think that lessons are different from real world lessons? If so how?

15)Do you use other online music learning sources ie TABs, discussion groups,file sharing, other video sites ?

16) In your real world geographic location would you have access to the same information ?

17) Are you satisfied with the range/quality of information that you study in formal lessons? If so why ? If not why?

18) Are you satisfied with the range/quality of information that you study in online lessons? If so why ? If not why?

19) Do you either currently use videos in your lessons (as either a teacher or student?) if so , what kinds of videos

20) Can you give examples (web addresses if possible) of the best music lesson posts that you have seen.
