Raphael Fraser: tribute to shawn lane

Raphael Fraser from New Zealand delivers a tribute to the late great Shawn Lane.

Raphael Fraser says:
Here's another Shawn Lane cover (not Get You Back, for a change :-p ) It's an electric version of the beautiful song "Epilogue for Lisa", based on Shawn's live version(s).

I'm not totally happy yet with the vibrato bar stuff, but I'm getting closer.

Tone (of course) is the AMT California Sound, cabinet sim, and oodles and poodles of delay. :-p

I hope you like it. Please rate/subscribe/friend/favourite/comment/ whatever ;-)

Epilogue for Lisa (electric version) - Shawn Lane cover


  1. Hi there, the guy playing this is actually Raphael Fraser (http://www.youtube.com/user/tsumabiken) not Owen Vickers :)

  2. Andrea Fraser21/08/2009, 09:42

    That's not Owen, that's my husband (Raphael Fraser)!! :-p

  3. OK... just check you were awake :) fixed


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