Mattias IA Eklundh: land of freaks new cd out soon

Land of the Freaks - out soon!: Land of the Freaks, the seventh Freak Kitchen album featuring twelve brand new tracks will be released the 21st of October 2009 in Scandinavia (Bonnier Amigo, Universal, Rockweiler Ltd.) and in the UK (Proper Music) the 19th. More countries and release dates will follow soon.

The tunes and running order:

1. God Save the Spleen
2. Hip Hip Hoorah
3. Teargas Jazz
4. Sick? (Death by Hypochondria)
5. OK
6. Honey, You’re a Nazi
7. The Only Way
8. Murder Groupie
9. The Smell of Time
10. One Last Dance
11. Do Not Disturb
12. Clean it Up
