Alex Skolnick: ready steady cook

A couple of Alex Skolnick with a Master Chef feel...

I've been dreaming about going to Nakamoto for about three years now. The obsession began thanks to a Korean Airlines in-flight entertainment system, where peppered among the current Hollywood hits and classic movies, were several short Korean documentaries. One of them, subtitled in English as "Addicted To Hot Food," was hosted by a twenty-something guy who traveled with a small camera crew, visiting several places noteworthy for their spicy cuisine. These hot spots, if you will, included Calabria-the hot pepper capital of Italy, Avery Island in Louisiana-home of the world famous Tobasco Sauce, and a close up look at the fiery delights of where I was headed, South Korea.
read on plum duff

It's been said that your first hit of marijuana can lead to heroin addiction. Like most, I recognize this myth as a silly scare tactic, despite not being a big fan of pot or of potheads. But when it comes to chili pepper, it is true, at least in my case. My first hit turned me into a hot food junky.

I was eight years old and had simply grabbed a 'Spicy' V8 juice out of the fridge by mistake. The molten red liquid stung like a bee, searing my virgin tongue as if it was suddenly placed on a barbecue. Why would anyone willingly inflict this sort of pain on themselves?
more hot sauce
