Brian Larkin: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III - part two!!

Yeah... the second video in the trinity of Brian Larkin's Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III entries! This one is 100% composed! Some crazy licks in there!

Brian Larkin:
This is the 100% composed entry. I recorded it with my phone. The really difficult passages are a bit sloppy, but they were the best I could do today. I have a better audio track (you may notice Nuendo recording in the background), but I ran into a ton of indescribably video editing issues having to do with file format and conversion, among other things... No more videos with the phone.

I have a feeling 6 months from now I'll look back on this the same way I look at my first Strings on Fire entry... You win some, you lose some. I did my best.

Fretless tomorrow....

Brian Larkin - Shred This III with Brett Garsed - Entry 2 of 3
