Michael Dolce: DoFret interview

A: Firstly I’d like to thank you Trevor for giving me the time and opportunity to chat with you on Do Fret.

The title of the album “Everything til now” is pretty much an accurate description of what the album is all about. Its a collection of styles that I’ve loved playing throughout my career right up until this point! It has elements of country, blues, fusion and acoustic ballads. I’ve always liked to listen to really simple catchy melodies and have always been inspired by great song writing so for me it was always about creating songs and melodies that not only guitar players would like but also your everyday music lover.

I grew up surrounded by my dads collection of albums which were all very melodic country western tunes and in that same collection there were an abundance of Italian folk songs, in addition to this, I was lucky enough to be introduced to the music of the “The Shadows” at a young age, by my uncle, that was it for me - to hear the guitar sing those melodies was the way I wanted to create and develop as a writer and a player, that has always been the bench mark for me. The song writing created by Hank Marvin and his guitar playing, still to this very day inspires me. Genius!

“Everything til now” is full of simple melodies, different styles and just enough icing to keep the advanced guitarist listening. I approached the various styles in a none traditional or purist way (cause I can’t really play them properly haha) I suppose that’s what gives it another twist.

All the songs were written over the course of 2 weeks but took over 10 months to complete due to touring commitments and musicians availabilities.

The album would never be what it is, if it wasn’t for all my amazing friends that played on it, who also happen to be Australia’s finest musicians and that is so evident in the finished product.

Please feel free to visit me and say hello at my site http://www.michaeldolcemusic.com - you can also purchase a copy of my album there! Full interview
