Oral Shred: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition - MUST SEE

I know this guy might sound mad... but I know where he's coming from... If I had a microphone in my car you'd hear licks like this... (except, of course, mine would be better :) ) Plus there must be an extra 10 marks for the Allan Holdsworth hat too... plus any one who claims Shawn Lane as an influence gets a gold star! Take it away buddy!!!! and as my Grand Pappy would say...watch it all the way through you all!!

When Oral Shred was a little boy, his only dream was to be a guitar shredder like his idol, Shawn Lane. Unfortunately, his daddy was barely able to feed poor Oral and his 19 siblings, let alone, purchase the much desired guitar. But one day, Oral was playing in the alley behind a music store and he watched as the employees threw away hundreds of busted guitar parts.

This was the closest young Oral had ever been to actually owning a guitar, so he brought his wagon back to the dumpster and hauled all those parts home. As there was no chance of assembling a viable guitar, the resourceful boy had another idea. His teacher had taught him that "You are what you eat." So he utilized his daddy's chain saw to cut the guitar parts into little pieces and, over the course of three months, Oral consumed all of them!

Miraculously, the musicality of the parts transformed him into a human guitar, articulated by himself via his lightening-quick tongue! This is Oral's first video. Join with us in witnessing history in the making as virtuoso Oral employs his magical tongue to literally lick and lap the competition!

Oral Shred: Daniele Gottardo's Guitar Competition

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