Bryan Baker: set to appear on Guitar Techniques CD

The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance was proud to welcome one of the most innovative guitar virtuosos, Bryan Baker, to the UK for an exclusive masterclass at their London facility on 8 September 2011.

Bryan's career has spanned the globe since he began performing at the age of 13. Today he is considered one of the world's most accomplished virtuoso musicians. Classical, jazz, electronica and most certainly rock, are all genres Bryan has mastered and shares with audiences all over the world. During the course of this masterclass he covered the principle topics of rhythm, melody and energy, and how they are often overlooked and under-investigated by most musicians. And students were able to learn how to elicit these elements more effectively from their own playing.

Prior to the masterclass, Guitar Techniques conducted a filmed interview with Brian, at the Institute, which will feature on the cover CD of a future edition of the magazine.

Bryan’s LA based rock band Black Baptista has just released its album debut titled “Thread the Needle” July 2011. He has also compiled his experiences in Principles of Music, a book which delves into original and thought provoking methods of improvising and composing, as well as his philosophical look at the totality of a musical experience. He is currently touring the UK and the Netherlands with Bob van Luijt.
