Frank Gambale: Chopbuilder available on DVD

Chopbuilder - The Ultimate Guitar Workout - $29.95 Multi-regional DVD
This is like a Jane Fonda workout video for guitarists. The idea of this DVD is to put it in the machine, and play along for over an hour without stopping. It is a continuous workout with a warm-up, a workout and a cool-down. It pushes you through picking exercises ( alternate, sweeping and string-skipping ), and all the Modes of Major, Melodic Minor and Harmonic Minor, String-Skipping Pentatonics, mixing triplets and 16th notes, Arpeggios, Hammer-ons and Pull-Offs, and more. This video, three times a week will definitely keep your chops building. Comes with a 75 page booklet with every exercise written in music and tablature.
CLICK HERE for the DVD: HERE for the mp3 or TAB "Little Chamer":

Guitar Lessons Frank Gambale Chopbuilder Sample
