Chris Storey gets an endorsement with Etherial guitars
Etherial Guitars
With great pride and excitement we’re happy to officially unveil the Endorsement of Chris Storey as an Etherial Signature artist!!
Not only is Chris’s musical career impressive (ex All Shall Perish) SmashFace and his new local project Quantum of Light, his skills as a guitarist and musician are breathtaking.
It’s a delight and honour to now officially welcome Chris Storey as part of the Etherial Family.
Thanks to Etherial Guitars
The end of purpose
chyeaaaa!!!! love this guy to pieces haha im soo glad to hear is getting his own signature guitar now an can't wait to hear his new music either \m/ always been my favorite guiat play an that will never change, fuck yeah chris \m/ xD your style is amazing