Max Gorelick: Kenny G's son - Mayones/Seymour Duncan Solo Contest

Keith Merrow
I lost count at over 450 video submissions for the Mayones Guitars Basses/ Seymour Duncan guitar contest. That's AWESOME participation. Better odds than the lottery :) So many great entries! I stumbled across this one... come to find out, it's Kenny G's son, he rips on guitar, and has been given props byChris Broderick, Dave Mustaine, Alex Skolnic, etc. for his submission. His video has more views than the original backing track video. Crazy! Great job Max! Also, to those who have entered, double check and make sure your video is properly tagged with #MayonesDuncan. I saw a bunch that aren't! You HAVE to do that. Check it out-

Mayones/Seymour Duncan Solo Contest - Max Gorelick #MayonesDuncan
