Mattias IA Eklundh: cool interview posted

From musikmesse 2012

So the next album is going to be a live album by Freak Kitchen? 

Mattias: Yeah, why not? No overdubs. It should be cool to do a live album next year. 

Christer: Eh, "heard it all before", lala...oh sorry hehe. We've been talking about this live album since 2005. Oh no, wait, that's a DVD, that's slightly different. But we do have material from every gig. And at every gig we have at least one song which we feel was really "happening". But a whole show...that's another story. We just need to record a lot of shows. 

Mattias: And we have many shows recorded already, it's just piling up. And after each show we say to each other: this is going to be the one! And as time moves on, we think it's getting old. Then again, the market is funny. 

Christer: There is always so much money put into creating all this "live" material. 

Mattias: We could make a "best of - overdubs" live album. "Our best overdubs. Live!" We should do that, that would be great! Let's make a studio-live video of when we do the live album in the studio! Just have some coffee at my place and make a live album. 

...and then you overdub it with real live recordings! 

Mattias: Yeah, that would be great! We do everything backwards anyway, so that would be the obvious thing to do...say, what kind of an interview is this? 

Christer: Well, it's not the questions, it's the answers! - 

Mattias IA Eklundh: Freak Kitchen - Razor Flowers - Musikmesse 2012
