Alessandro Bertoni,Brett Garsed,Virgil Donati,Ric Fierabracci: Derek Sherinian produce Keystone release date announced
"I'm delighted to announce that my solo record "" Keystone"" will be available from September, 9th,2013.
It will be published and handled worldwide by Generation Prog Records and will be available for purchase via many channels, including directly through the label's own online store as well as wholesale distribution to mail-order stores and re-sellers.
""Keystone"" is a 8 tunes full length album and comprises of the following songs:

1. Megas Alexandros
pt. I - The Great Portrait
pt. II - City of Gordium
pt. III - To the Ends of the Earth
4. Pacifica Rampage
5. Tertium Non Datur
6. Galactic Halo
7. The Keystone Age
8. Magnolia Sunrise
Music by Alessandro Bertoni:
Alessandro Bertoni - keyboards,hammond B3, rhodes, piano.
Virgil Donati - drums
Ric Fierabracci - bass and fretless bass
Brett Garsed - guitars
Produced by D. Sherinian
Some previews of the record will be soon available both on mine and Generation Prog Record pages.
Some clips have already been on line since a little while :
Alessandro Bertoni upcoming album "Keystone" recording studio session
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