Guthrie Govan, Alessandro Bertoni,Tom MacLean: Aristocrats and Keystone Quartet added to Generation Prog Festival 2015

Now in its Fifth year, the International Festival for Progressive Music Will feature A World class Lineup with Two Headliners Generation Prog Festival 2015 November 20, 2015 Luise - The Cultfactory, Nürnberg Lineup: The Aristocrats (USA / UK) Alessandro Bertoni Keystone Quartet (USA / UK / NL / GER) More Bands Will BE Announced soon 18:30 -! Doors Open The "Alessandro Bertoni Keystone Quartet" (Europe) IS as sick as International (USA / UK / NL / GER) since Theamazingly Skilled Lads joining me on-Stage Will BE Micheal Schetter (bass) and Frank Tinge (drums) from Relocator and Tom MacLean on Guitar (Haken, To-Mera). We Will BE Playing Material from my solo album Keystone and not only! Stay tuned and Check out the Festival pages! Http://Www.Generation-prog.Com/?P=2281andolang = en Https://Www.Facebook.Com/GenerationProgFestival?Fref=nf
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