Chris Bieniek: Has Yngwie Met Miss Jones?

Has Yngwie Met Miss Jones? Yes! and this piece is their love child.
Really it's a technical arpeggio study I wrote that makes use of the famous Yngwie arpeggio sweep/ economy technique (with a few of my own variations on the idea) over the chord changes to the popular jazz standard 'Have You Met Miss Jones'.

The recording was done with a the fantastic Taurus Stomp-Head 4.SL. through a BadCat Celstion speaker box using and EverTune Strat with a JB in the bridge.

For anyone after a transcription of the study I will be selling the PDF for $5 U.S (email me ) and 100% of profits collected will go to BirdLife Australia a charity that works towards the conservation of Australia's endangered bird species.

Has Yngwie Met Miss Jones?
