Guthrie Govan: Wins top 12 guitarist of the year

1. Guthrie Govan

Sheer brilliance on Steven Wilson's "Hand. Cannot. Erase." released in February, and then some more sheer brilliance on The Aristocrats' "Tres Caballeros" in June - Mr. Guthrie Govan was quite prolific and equally outstanding this year.

A few comments from the esteemed members of UG community:

Shavyi: "Stuff he did on 'Hand. Cannot. Erase.' 'nuff said."

doive: "The sound he gets on 'Hand. Cannot. Erase.' is just beautiful!"

AVMan9: "Even my girlfriend, who knows nothing about guitar, heard the solo in 'Ancestral' and was totally blown away and asked me to turn it up. Guthrie is one of those rare players that has outrageous skill that can also apply that skill to very emotional playing."

blackwingbat: "I only clicked on this article to vote for Govan. His work is beyond belief."

itsover900040: "Guthrie is the best guitarist alive in opinion. He deserves it."

And now this handsome UG editor will add something to the praises: I've traveled over 1,700 km (1,050+ miles) from Belgrade, Serbia to Malmo, Sweden to catch Mr. Wilson and the boys live in concert, and Guthrie was nothing short of stellar. Well deserved gold here!
