Andy Timmons: Brazil tour dates September 2016

05/09 - AT & T - São Paulo - (11) 5012-2777
06/09 - Estudios of Cifra Club - Belo Horizonte
07/09 - School Riff - Belo Horizonte - (31) 2511-7433
08/09 - Open Rehearsal - Belo Horizonte (31) 2511-7433
09/09 - GTR School - Brasilia - (61) 3245-7140
10/09 - School of Modern Music - Niterói - (21) 2622-3625
12, 13 and 14/09 - CD Recording BossaHits - Rio de Janeiro
15/09 - Vam Musical instruments - Victoria (27) 3235-8400
16/09 - Show with the band Clube Big Beatles-Win (27) 9998-3693
17/09 - Music Institute Airton Man - Curitiba (41) 3027-8179
18/09 - SASHA Z - Caxias do Sul-RS (54) 9122-9012
20/09 - Tagima Dream Team - São Paulo-SP Access the SITE
