Here's a new song with Niels Voskuil (drums) and Frans Vollink (bass). The song is called ‘SOL51’ and it’s dedicated to Allan Holdsworth (1946-2017)
Thank you Allan for a lifetime of inspiration! This track will be included on my new cd that should be out later 2017.
’SOL51' written by Niels Voskuil.
I’ve used the Axe FXII on this track and you can download my solosound here: http://www.richardhallebeek.com//rhpi...
Recorded @ studio Het Atelier, Weiteveen.
Thanks Marco Bosch for the RH Custom Picks, Matt Picone at Fractal Audio, John Suhr @ Suhrguitars, Przemysław Marciniak @ Root Pedals, Tore Lynggaard Mogensen @ TC Electronic.
Richard Hallebeek - SOL51 (Dedicated to Allan Holdsworth)
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