Mr. Fastfinger - Mika Tyyskä
I was requested to record a guest solo for the new Hevisaurus album. Anybody who knows the band, understands it's an enormous honour! Hevisaurus is a dinosaur band playing versatile metal, their guitar player, Riffi-Raffi is one badass fire breathing demon on the guitar! On this new album "Mikä minusta tulee isona?" the other guest soloists are Kiko Loureiro of Megadeth and Pekka "Pexi" Olkkonen of Stam1na. The album is released 1st of october go for it! I respect this moment. Hope you dig the solo. If we get past 7 000 views with this, I promise to transcribe you the tablature! In the mean time, watch the slowdown and try figuring it out yourself. It's worth trying, best ear practicing! By the way I just released another video. The Full movie version of "The Spirit of the Guitar Hunt!" It's definitely worth checking out!!! https://youtu.be/fV2t2D77sso Mika's Classic Metal Workout - Guitar Lesson - How to play in style of Iron Maiden, Dio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg0og... The Alchemist - music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIzWr...
Recording a guitar solo for Hevisaurus. Melodic Metal. Mikä minusta tulee isona?
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