The guitar tracks in this video were re-amped and/or re-recorded through the Peavey Invective 120 amp.
Alluvial "Lila" written and performed by Keith Merrow and Wes Hauch. Downloads available here -
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Signal chain- Schecter USA KM7 MKII Prototype with KM Custom Fishman Fluence pickups - Peavey Invective 120 head - Invective 2x12 with SM57 - Invective 4x12 with SM57 - UA Apollo Quad - Studio One Pro. Effects loop 1 - Catalina Chorus. Effects loop 2 - Alien Reverb, Vapor Trail Delay.
Filmed, edited, tracked, remixed and produced by Keith Merrow.
Additional filming by Randy Edwards and Crystal Merrow.
Alluvial - "Lila" Through Peavey Invective Amp
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