Timetrips to Elsewhere [EP] by Time Machinery
1.The Map of Schizarchy (feat. Vishal J. Singh & Mr. Fastfinger) 05:20
2.The Hourglass (feat. Natasha Matveeva, Kaushik Ramachandran, Adam Fulara & Utako Toyama) 03:50
3.Timetrips to Elsewhere (feat. Vishal J. Singh) 03:49
4.Paradox Machine (feat. Dans Huang, Vladimir 'Piri Reis' Klimov) 05:03
5.Continuum Shifter (feat. James Huggett, David Mandelstam, Byron Leon, Arsafes & Masato Itoh) 04:28
All music by Time Machinery.
Written and performed by Andrey Sazonov and Matheus Manente.
Drums by Alexander Zaitsev.
Mixed and mastered by Matheus Manente.
Artwork by Andrey Sazonov and Don Gaspar.
We'd like to dedicate this release to King Crimson, Mr. Fripp and Mr. Belew. Your music is forever with us!
released August 8, 2013
Matheus Manente
I'd like to thank all the guest musicians that recorded with us and made all those tracks so unique; Leandro Fonseca, Lygia Snege, Arthur Braga, Rene Samajauskas and everybody at Mousikê; Mia "Anêmona" Martins; Stefano "Cruco" Sasso; My parents Celestino and Ana, my family; And ultimately, Andrey Sazonov, for conceiving this project, and for writing great music! Cheers!
Andrey Sazonov
I would like to thank:
OrochiSquad, Abstract Deviation (Alex!!!), Dawn Sanctum (hey_uruno_u_m8_r_awesome), DjentFM (Don-Don :3), Robots Pulling Levers (do you even shred m8s?), Devolved, LVM Trio, Amogh Symphony (Vish and Jim, you badazz guize), Carltron (Carl & Masato), Soul Cycle (Marky!!!111), Sithu Aye, Mad Essence & Fatum Squad (Mr. Black), Second To Sun (Voloooodya), Time Machinery (Matheus!), Takamagahara, NonEgos (Dans!), Jacek, Blackstone, Mill.Kill.Way, Aspyrsia (Byron!), Adam Fulara, Mr. Fastfinger, Natasha Matveeva, Asura Crying (David!), Combat Astronomy (Jamie!), Tint, Skybridge (Utako-chan^^), Paradigm Shift (Kaushik-ji), Above the Earth (Arsafes & Sasha), David Maxim Micic (himself), Monuments, Ever Forthright (Chris & Kevin), Uneven Structure, Vildhjarta, Animals as Leaders, вдохновителям: Blind Guardian, King Crimson, Buckethead, Sonata Arctica, Children of Bodom, Meshuggah, Nobuo Uematsu, Daisuke Ishiwatari, Hideaki Anno, Andy McKee, Dream Theater, Buck-Tick, Gackt, Hirohiko Araki, Hirasawa Susumu, Miura Kentaro, Akira Toriyama, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Amitabh Bachchan, Vikram, Hrithik Roshan, AntFish, TFS, многим-многим другим, моей семье (Василий Сергеевич и Марина Анатольевна - вы лучшие!), all of my Internet Friends and all the people I forgot to mention. Especially HUGE thanks to Marietta Dolinina and The Flying Spaghetti Monster for their love/trust/help/support in the time of trouble.
Dans Huang
I'd like to thank Johnny, Michael, Guan and many other friends for always being supportive and understanding; Andrey for providing this opportunity and great music; and all great musicians out there for being inspiring; and after all, life for being a tremendous teacher. Stay awesome!
Natasha Matveeva
I'd like to say thank you to the participants of the project for choosing me and letting me take part in it: to Andrey Sazonov for writing cool 7/8 stuff in particular. And also a big thank you to my family and friends for constant support :)
Byron Leon
I would like to give thanks to anyone and everyone who has helped push me to become a greater musician throughout the time that I've been actively pursuing my goals and ambitions of doing so, and everyone who has helped me to become a better, stronger version of myself. This includes my friends, fans and supporters. I would like to give special thanks to Chayton Whisky, Chris Tognetti, Christian Piceno, Matt Harris, Dr. Paul Setziol, Robert Farrington, Matthew Val Hall, David Arnold, Jim Finley, and of course, the guys from Time Machinery, Andrey and Matheus, for giving me the opportunity to showcase what I can do through their music. I'm very stoked to be on an EP with many talented musicians who have also made guest appearances, and I hope you enjoy what the guys from Time Machinery have brought to your listening pleasure.
James Huggett
Many thanks to Andrey for inviting me to participate in this project, and hello to all the Combat Astronomy fans in Russia and eastern Europe - your support is much appreciated!
David Mandelstam
Thanks to Andrey for the invitation. This project was quite interesting to take part in. Regards to my family, friends, disciples and all the fans! Thank you so much, people!
Vladimir Klimov
I'd like to thank Tatyana Yashkina, Andrey 'AlmostDaVinci' Sazonov and Chesail Golovin. Thanks to all the fans worldwide! Cheers! Terveh, karjalaizet!
Roman Iskorostenskiy
I'm sure that if you people dig interesting avantgarde stuff, you will like this sweet EP of Time Machinery! It was really interesting to work with Mr. Sazonov and the other guys! Thanks!
Kaushik Ramachandran
Firstly I'd like to thank Andrey and Matheus for making this EP happen and Vishal J Singh for suggesting my name for this collaboration. It's very humbling to realize that I am part of a project which has one the most talented musicians coming together and collaborating, and it was also a fun experience which makes it all the more special.
Alexander Zaitsev
I'd like to thank my wife, my parents, Andrey Sazonov, Abstract Deviation, Andrey Pak. To all the fans: never give up! Protect your loved ones! Peace!
Adam Fulara would like to thank all his fans and bandmates.
Utako Toyama
I'd like to thank Andrey for the invitation. The song was wonderful. It was very great to be a part of the project!
I hope you, the listeners, will like it and listen a lot! If you liked my voice, please visit Sky Bridge's page as well as Time Machinery's!
Masato Itoh would like to thank all the participants, friends and fans worldwide.
Mika Tyyskä
Andrey game me few options for me to land a guest solo on. "The Map of Schizarchy" sounded the most inspirational to me, the stimulating harmonic world and exciting rhythmic context was strong. This was actually the kind of music I haven't really worked with before. When I got to work on the track everything went super smooth. I rarely get things done so quickly. Coming up with the guitar parts and improvising all the leads felt very natural. It all came out as I was in autopilot mode. I recorded this with my old Japanese Fender Strat which just had gotten a new American neck. Maybe it was stimulating me as well! I'm very thankful and happy I did this guest spot, so glad about the results. Hope you'll enjoy listening to it as much I did enjoy playing it!
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