Mario Parga: new vocal project started

Fans of Mario's guitar playing and music will be pleased to know that as well as his new solo album Shadows & Light, the new Savage Paradise album and a new 'un-plugged' album, this year Mario is also collaborating with British singer Lee Small (Shy/Phenomena/Lee Small) on a special studio album that has yet to be titled. Mario will write the music for the project and play the guitars and keyboards whilst Lee will provide his voice, lyrics and vocal melodies.

Mario said of Lee: "Lee possesses an amazing voice full of soul, emotion, passion and range, and on top of this he's a super-nice guy. We've been aware of each other's music for a while, and the opportunity to work together on a joint project has now arisen. I'm looking forward to working with Lee and hearing his voice in collaboration with my music."


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