Lori Linstruth says:
It took me ages to muster up the courage to ask Rip for an interview, as I feared that if he found his inbox infected with an unsolicited email request from a far lesser player (and a GIRL no less), I’d be in for a counterblast of sarcasm and vitriol in customary Glitteresque style. Or even worse, he’s just IGNORE me, which would totally hurt my itty-bitty girly feelings.full interview
Fortunately, he turned out to be more of a gentleman than the acerbic tone of his Harmony Central reviews would lead you to believe, and graciously agreed to take a short break from unleashing pure metal fury on his SIGNATURE Jackson Randy Rhoads Flying V to answer some questions for PLAG readers.
‘Scuse me for going all gushy fan-girl on ya, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my humble blog would be graced by an interview with a LIVING LEGEND like Rip. Read on, Chickadees, and learn from the master!
[Warning: probably not safe for work, and definitely not suitable for those of you who are offended by naughty words]
Some solo demos: http://lorinator.feminoise.com/downloads/LL_solos.mp3
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